
Whether your systems are built-to-print, built-to-specification, or from our custom design – we’ll always deliver a complete turnkey solution.

Total Instrument Freedom

When you work with TSS you have the freedom to select any instrument from any vendor – without the hassles

Our decades of real-world experience with top instrument vendors is a valuable asset. TSS has OEM relationships with every major test and measurement supplier.

We understand the instruments, vendors, delivery, lead times, pros/cons. Pre-orders reduce delivery times. If timing is an issue, we have alternatives.

We can program in any language on any platform.This knowledge and flexibility is critical for rapid development cycles, enabling on-time market delivery. We free your team from constant vendor meetings and spec analysis - we've already done it for all key suppliers.We know these instruments thoroughly from hands-on experience. We’ve done the analysis, we’ve used the instruments, and we know what works.

Total Software Freedom

When you work with TSS you have the freedom to select any software platform, programs, language or vendor.

The software options for test system design are numerous and complex. Some ATE companies promote closed, proprietary software to restrict choice and lock you in.

TSS takes a different approach - software aligns with our commitment to open architecture.

We offer complete freedom to choose any major platform, test executive, language, database, tools, or vendor.

This freedom allows you to specify systems tailored to your needs, not the vendor's. Familiar programs, languages, and environments reduce learning curves. IT teams avoid new platforms and databases.TSS provides all custom source code to clients. With TSS, you have total software freedom.

The Finest UUT Fixturing

Our ability to analyze, design, engineer, manufacture and deliver UUT fixturing to meet your production needs is unrivaled.

Test fixture design is critical in system development. Our expert mechanical engineers use leading-edge CAD software for all formats.We have manufacturing knowledge to create sophisticated fixtures across technologies like fiber optics, lasers, RF, opto-mechanical, robots, and vision systems.

Partnering early ensures testing methodology is built into your solution.Fixture design considers cost, volume, interfaces, thermal, RF, reliability and more.Following COTS standards, we utilize precision suppliers for world-class machining.

All engineering is fully documented for reproducibility as volumes increase.We'll develop new fixtures with your engineers for the best solution, whether build-to-print or full program development. Our experience delivers the right test fixture.


When we deliver your ATE system, it comes with the best system documentation in the business.

TSS leads in comprehensive technical documentation, critical for complex ATE systems. Proper docs are vital for long-term success as personnel change.

Our real-world experience shows documentation is overlooked yet essential. TSS provides the industry's most comprehensive package.

Our engineering drawings exceed standards with full details for production and maintenance.

Documentation includes:
• Assembly drawings
• Mechanical outlines
• Interconnects
• Schematics
• Parts lists
• Wiring lists
• Manufacturing drawings
• Manuals
• Software drivers
• Source code
• Compliance certificates
• Reports
• Configuration status

Available in electronic and print formats. Our documentation reflects TSS discipline.